Nintendo's Wii Continues To Be A Smash With Seniors

We know that Nintendo's Wii has been a massive hit with families, but we've also noticed a growing trend with the physically-interactive game system that is honestly a bit of a surprise -- apparently, senior citizens can't put their Wiimotes down. Similar to stories we've seen before, the UK's gossip rag The Sun is reporting that seniors at the Sunrise Home in Birmingham, UK, have taken to the console like super-old fish to water. The pensioners at the institution have been engaging in knock-down, drag-out contests in Wii Sports -- playing tennis, boxing, and bowling with a cut-throat competitiveness not seen since the Dark Ages. Barrie Edgar, 88, one of the home's residents said, "It's great fun. We've only had it a few days but we can't put it down." Mr. Edgar then glanced at Tilda Montgomery, another Sunrise Home occupant and exclaimed, "Prepare to be pwned, you old bird."

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